The Discovery Series

A set of ongoing campus events focused on engaging students and faculty in meaningful conversation about hope, truth and the person of Jesus. We hope to encourage conversations about these topics by hosting presentations on a wide variety of academic disciplines.


Upcoming Events:

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Past Events:


Journeying Towards Discovery Survey (Spring 2024)

A look into what students believe about…


  • Who, what or where do you put your hope?

  • Have you ever been let down by that thing put your hope in?


  • Where do you go for your source of spiritual truth?  If you have questions about spiritual things, where do you go to find answers?

  • Fill in the blank: The Bible is ______.

And the personhood of Jesus Christ.

  • If you met Jesus on the street today and could ask Him any question, what would you ask Him?

  • Who do you say Jesus is?


Journeying Towards Discovery Event (Spring 2024)

We presented our survey results in on April 19th, 2024 in a discussion and Q & A with Dr. Christian Cuthbert. Dr. Cuthbert has his Ph.D. in Historical and Theological Studies from Union Presbyterian Seminary along with two Master’s Degrees from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Church History and Theology, respectively. In addition to his academic work, Dr. Cuthbert has served as an Army Chaplain and currently serves as Chaplain for the Kenyan Olympic Team.


Five Objective Evidences for the God of the Bible (Fall 2024)

When: Wednesday, September 25th

Where: Biology/Physics Building 130 (UConn Storrs Campus)

Who: Dr. Robert DiSilvestro, Ph.D Biochemistry, Faculty Emeritus, The Ohio State University Human Nutrition