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Welcome to Cru!


Cru at UConn

Who are we?

We are a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ.

Are you wondering what Christianity is all about?  Then this is the place for you.  Are you a Christian looking for a community of Christian students on campus?  Then this is the place for you.  

Cru at UConn is a place for any student to experience community, learn about the Bible and encounter Jesus.


Join us every Thursday at 7:30pm for our weekly large group meeting!

Email us at for more info

Thursdays 7:30pm in the North Reading Room of Wilbur Cross


Summer Mission Opportunities

We invite you to consider how God can use your summer in 2025! Summer missions are an opportunity for you to:

  • share your faith

  • grow in your personal walk with the Lord

  • form friendships with other believers

  • serve God in fulfilling the great commission (Matthew 28:16-20)

  • and so much more!

We invite you to prayerfully consider what God wants you to do this summer, and take a look at the Cru summer missions website to see if there’s an opportunity that God’s leading you to. Cru has a variety of summer missions, with opportunities all over the world for varying lengths of time. There truly is a summer mission for everyone, so check out the summer mission website here!


The Chosen Watch Parties

Come watch Season 1 of The Chosen! We will have free food, snacks and drinks. Come make new friends, watch the new popular show, and talk about!

More details on our The Chosen Watch Parties page!


Bring-A-Friend Movie Night

Have friends that are interested in Cru, but not quite sure about going to a Large Group or Connection group meeting? This movie night is the perfect event for you to bring them to! We’ll watch the movie, then have a group discussion about it.

  • When: February 28th, 7 PM

  • Where: Herbst (Oak) 101

  • Movie: Life of Pi